First time dengar tentang beauty boxes ni bila Fara tengok video Charmaine Dulak di Youtube. Dalam video tu dia review Boxy Charm beauty box and lepas je tengok video tu fara jadi excited pasal beauty box ni. Haha. *Gedik mode ON* Jarang kot dengar tentang beauty box dekat Malaysia tapi kalau luar negara, bermacam macam jenis beauty box ada. Korang search la sendiri. Hehe.
Bila gedik mode dah on, apalagi.. tangan pun gatal lah nak search beauty box yang ada dekat Malaysia nih. Yes, we had severals brands of beauty boxes tapi setelah diteliti diamati dan diperhalusi, (eceh) Modbox adalah beauty box terpaling murah dalam Malaysia!
Instead of harga yang teramatlah murah which is RM25 INCLUDE POSTAGE! Servis diorang pun sangatlah awesome. Ini kerna, first.. Modbox ni let us choose which products you want to try. Means, dalam beberapa produk tu, kita boleh pilih mana satu produk yang kita nak cuba. So, taklah korang nanti kuciwa sebab expect dapat foundation yang bikin wajah flawless gilos even zoom 100x tapi rupanya dapat ubat jerawat. Haha. Contoh kayh. XD
Untuk beauty box tu ada 2 jenis kategori produk. Iaitu, full-size collection dan deluxe & sachet sample collection. Pilih 2 items untuk full size produk, dan 3 items untuk sample products. Total 5 items dengan harga RM25 sahaja okayh! Weyh mana lagi nak dapat weyh..
Korang juga tak perlu risau sebab kesemua product ni ori ori belaka! Takdok yang ciplak ciplak punya. So buy with confidence hokayh sayangs. :)
Fara order dan siap buat payment beauty box ni pada waktu malam masa tu and suprisingly, team Modbox teruih process order fara esok paginya dan terus juga pos pada hari yang sama! Thumbs up for them for amazing service! :) Luckily, posmen pon baik je tak peram parcel tu lama lama and i received the parcel on next day. Hehe. Happy me... :)
Tanpa melengah-lengahkan masa lagi, jom kita usha apa yang ada dalam Modbox beauty box fara ni.
Ini lah Modbox Beauty Box! Omey je... :)
Untuk full-size collection, fara pilih :
[Product size: Full Size RM30 | 1 Pair]
Pamper your eyes with this home-spa under-eye mask that’s deeply hydrating and banishes dark circles and eye bags.
[Product size: Full Size (RM24.70 | 25g)]
Banish pimples with a vengeance! A spot treatment gel with pure Tea Tree Oil, it works to shrink and reduce acne, and also helps dissolve blackheads and whiteheads too!
Deluxe & Sample Collection pula..
[Product size: 2 x 2g sachet (RM138 | 35ml)]
Enriched with Platinum and 7 kinds of Gemstone Powders including Pearl & Diamond, this anti-ageing BB cream with SPF50 PA+++ will, quite literally, give you a million dollar face!
[Product size: 2 x 3 patches (RM9.90 | 12 patches)]
Absorb icky pimple pus with this acne patch. Ultra-thin and highly invisible, you can easily wear this under your makeup without anyone noticing!
[Product size: 2 x 2g sachet (RM138 | 35ml)]
Even out skin tone with this BB cream that has four colour correcting brighteners to neutralise redness and yellow-coloured imperfections.
Kesemua produk yang korang order, Modbox sertakan sekali info dan cara gunakan produk tersebut. So dont worry okayh kalau macam blur blur tu. Haha.
Soooo, korang tergugat tak? Hehe. Yang lagi satu best pasal Modbox nih, kalau korang dah cuba try test produk tu, dan korang rasa macam best je.. macam nak order lagi je.. Modbox juga ada online store dimana diorang juga menjual juga produk-produk ni secara loose. From head to toe. Pilih je mana satu yang awak kenan. :)
And lastly, i will definitely order their beauty boxes again. Can't wait to trying other products!
Click here to go to MODBOX'S website.
p/s : this is NOT a sponsored post. Just my personal thoughts and review based on my experience only. :)
selain modbox ada tak yg lain?